Season 1


NZ Film Commission

The Rūrangi Internship Program is a a paid internship opportunity for gender diverse people to intern and learn from experienced industry practitioners/mentors; specifically within key creative roles that allow for the expression of unique voices.

In season 1 there were six creative placements available in the areas of producing, directing, camera, wardrobe, art department and editing.

On a production as lean as ours, the contribution of our interns was not only crucial to us making our days - it's part of what made the experience of making Rūrangi so meaningful. Their increased skills and belief in themselves - and their ongoing careers - are a proud part of this show's legacy.


Producer Intern

Intern Lucean Lunare
Interning WithCraig Gainsborough (Producer)
Lucean proved to be one of the most dedicated and hardest working people on Rūrangi. As well as working closely with Craig on all production matters, he contributed to improving accessibility for people with disabilities and took it upon himself to cast as many gender-diverse people and allies as background talent.
China Gonzalez

Camera Intern

Intern China Gonzalez
Interning WithJohannes Louis (DOP) & Gray Turner (1st AC)
"Hola! I am China Gonzalez, a Mexican residing in New Zealand. I was lucky enough to be a part of this project. I went to film school back home and had been involved mainly as an AD and in the production department. Although I did train for photography I never really had a chance to develop much in that area, but the team of Rūrangi gave me the opportunity to be involved as the Camera 2nd assistant, learning from incredibly talented people in a very hands on way. Being part of this project was a life changer for me. Not only is it one of the most genuine projects I've taken part of, since every single value that it portrays was lived on set on daily basis, but everyone in it was nothing but welcoming and so excited to tell this story together. It has left me inspired to continue doing the same in my other projects and disciplines. I hope everyone who watches Rūrangi enjoys it as much as we enjoyed making it."
Ary Jansen

Art Intern

Intern Ary Jansen
Interning WithNick Lowry, Henric Matthiesen (Production Designers)
Ary engaged with gender-diverse artists from the broader community to fill our scenes with their work. With an incredible eye for detail, one of Ary's most visible contributions to the series is the creation of the Rūrangi roadsign - taking prominent placement at the close of episode 1.

Wardrobe Intern

Intern Casper Gordon
Interning WithBrae Toia (Stylist)
Always going above-and-beyond, Casper joined Rūrangi in pre-production and stayed right to the end. Quickly learning wardrobe organisational skills, Casper played a major role in continuity through the series, and became Rūrangi’s go-to expert on sourcing jewellery.
Adam Rohe

Director Intern

Intern Adam Rohe
Interning WithMax Currie (Director)
With 38 cast, multiple hero vehicles and remote locations, our work was cut out for us on Rūrangi. While understudying Max and learning techniques of supporting and encouraging talent, Adam still managed to find time to invaluably assist the crew - tackling anything that needed to be done and learning not only about directing, but also all the moving parts that bring a production together.

Editing Intern

Intern Johnanthon Worrall
Interning WithBrough Johnson (Editor)
"I'm a half Swedish jack-of-all-trades who writes, studies programming and makes monster puppets in my spare time. I'm hoping to get into the game-making industry and enjoy making short films as character backstories. On Rurangi, I've been building on the basic video editing skills I gained in highschool and learning how to edit and collate large amounts of behind-the-scenes footage in a professional environment."